Friday, August 30, 2013

Settling in...

Exciting News!! Colby Yoder and Kari Miller, our new interns, arrived yesterday afternoon. Interns receive an individual food allowance each month, and one of the "to-do's" today was grocery shopping.

If you know Colby or Kari and would like to bless and encourage them as they serve in Phoenix, why not send a care package with some goodies, or a card or gift card? Mail to the individual in care of Aim Right Ministries, 1013 N. 13th St., Phoenix, AZ 85006.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Digital Dementia

I'd never heard of digital dementia until I was listening to a recent Focus on the Family broadcast that featured the authors of this book designed to help parents, pastors, and other leaders in understanding the ramifications of over-interaction in the digital world, especially as it relates to children and teens.

This article
refers to South Korea's over-use of digital media, but U.S. teens spend around 7 1/2 hours daily engaged in digital media, so we aren't too far behind them.

While all of us that work and volunteer at Aim Right aren't necessarily "digital natives," (I'm dating myself here) we certainly teach, mentor, and reach out to 100% natives. It's easy to complain, "Oh, he's just a hyper child," or "Why can't she pay attention and sit still?" or "I don't understand why they can't remember what I talked about last week!" Literally, today's youth's brains may have decreased capacity to sit still, think, remember, and process information. Perhaps that's why Teen Camp week is so refreshing for so many teens; there, they must "unplug" for several days, and in the quietness and serenity of the mountains, they run and play, paint, have real conversations with others and with God, surrender, repent, worship, and make lasting memories.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Last Monday evening was Joel's first Bible study as an official Phoenix resident. He's in the gray shirt.

Here is a quote from the Bible study: "When we allow God to impact our lives, change happens." Caleb shared an illustration with a bucket of water and a sponge. He first put clean water into the bucket. When he soaked the sponge in the clean water, you saw a clear waterfall when the water dripped off the sponge. He then filled the bucket with dirty water and dipped the sponge into it. The result? A yucky, muddy stream flowed from the sponge. He compared the sponge to what we allow into our lives to influence us. Is it the purity of God's Word, or the filth of the world?

Two gals had birthdays we celebrated on Monday, and one just happened to be mine.  Something positive about turning another year older:  cake and ice cream!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

It's the Little Things

The Little Things:

1. Printing new labels to update our volunteer and staff mail slots
2. Going to Ace Hardware and having new keys made

The Little Things Mean:

1. Former intern Joel Roby is moving from Ohio to Phoenix today. He is coming to Phoenix to live, work, and (insert some hallejuahs!) volunteer at Aim Right. I looked up a few posts about Joel from the past:

Question and Answer
First Kids Klub
Teen Night 10.15.10

2. We'll soon welcome three new interns -- Colby Yoder, Kari Miller, and Alexa Overholt. Again, insert some hallejuahs! God provides.

3. The foursome of new volunteers and interns are all coming from Ohio, and if you put the first letters of their names together, it spells J-A-C-K. Will they discuss Ohio State football while eating Jack-in-the-Box burgers? I don't know, but it's quite possible. Will a precious Ohio possession of theirs be jacked? That is quite possible, too (although hopefully that doesn't happen). Will another intern come from Ohio whose name is Jack?

4. I'll stop now (insert some hallejuahs!).

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Connect with the Millers

Attention Ohio-ans! A.J., Jewel, and Max are visiting your great state right now and will be sharing about their work with Aim Right tomorrow evening (Thursday, August 8th) at Grace Mennonite Church in Berlin. The event begins at 7:00 p.m., and appetizers and dessert will be served.

For more information, call A.J. at 330-231-8577, or e-mail

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart..." Colossians 3:23

Friday, August 2, 2013

Needed: Fry's shoppers!

Grocery shopping is something most of us have to do--like it or not--but now there's a way to know that your grocery purchase will be used to help a great cause as well -- reaching at-risk youth with the hope of Jesus!

Fry's recently introduced Fry's Community Rewards, a program that enables you to link your VIP card (that card the clerk asks you to scan to apply discounts when you check out) with a non-profit organization. Once the two are linked, the non-profit receives a portion of your purchase when you shop and use your VIP card. The program replaces Fry's former rewards system, which utilized Fry's gift cards.


Since Aim Right is already a participant in the Fry's rewards program, all you need to do is register your VIP card online, link it with Aim Right, and then shop as usual. The link to Fry's website is listed below, as well as step-by-step instructions if you should need them.

To get started and link your VIP card, go to:


Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Choose "Enroll Now" (hot pink button).
2. Sign in if you already have a Fry's account, or click on the large blue type "Get Started. Sign up today."
3. Enter the info. requested and click "Create account."
4. Add your VIP card number (typically on the back of the card by the bar code).
5. Go to "Community Rewards," enter your personal info., and save.
6. In "Find your organization," type "Aim Right," select, and save.
7. Follow the instructions in your e-mail to activate your account.

That's it! Use your VIP card when you shop, and Aim Right will receive a benefit.