Friday, June 19, 2009

The Cowboy Class

Seven days down, three to go!

VBS week #2 kicked off yesterday evening. While there's not a doubt in my mind that last week's bunch would gladly hop on the bus for another round of VBS, it's our "other" bus route of children that have been invited to attend this week.


In some last-minute decorating frenzy, my VBS room ended up with a Western-related theme. I usually plop a cowboy hat on my head for at least part of the class time. It's goofy, but it totally works when you're teaching 8 year old's. This is during the Bible story:

My great teaching assistant came up with the idea that good behavior be rewarded with a seat in The Chair, along with The Wearing of the Cowboy Hat. Again, it's totally worked for this age group. For what it's worth, bubble gum is quite effective, too.

As class time was winding down one evening last week, a soft-spoken student shyly asked me if she could borrow a Bible to take home. She followed me downstairs to the storage closet and gratefully accepted the Bible that was given to her.

If I were a teacher in the traditional sense, I suppose I would want, more than anything, to pass along to my students a competence and love for reading. As a teacher of the Bible and a believer in the life-changing message within its pages, I think one of the greatest delights is to see a student develop a passion for reading the Word.

The One who says "Seek Me, and you will find Me when you seek for Me with all your heart," is the centerpiece of that inspired text, and what better way to find out who He is, than reading what He has written?

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