Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Weekend

As has recently been the case, Teen Night was a packed house Friday evening. Caleb shared about forgiveness.

Former intern Brad Beachy ('06-'07) was here over the weekend. He connected with these ornery guys during his internship, and they still have a grand time hanging out together.

Brad organized a Saturday morning hike up Camelback Mountain.

On Sunday, Aim Right had a fundraiser meal at Trinity Mennonite Church, where one of our board members attends. Staff and volunteers made the food, and teens served it to hungry worshippers following the morning service. God blessed us with around $1,400 in donations for the meal. (Sorry, no photos....kitchen action had to take precedence over photo shooting).


Tomorrow, if you pop by the corner of 13th & Roosevelt between 6:00 and 8:00 p.m., you're likely to see some of this:

It's our annual Fall Festival for our Kids Klub families, and this place will be a poppin' and hoppin'!

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