Wednesday, June 30, 2010

VBS: Day 2, Week 1

A few glimpses of Tuesday evening:

Kids threw wet sponges and balls at the beach ball to try to get it to the opposite side.

It has been awesome to have the Fairlawn youth here "doing" VBS for us, and I've had the luxury of wondering around and observing the different sites. The group has quickly established wonderful rapport with the kids. Yesterday evening, I was at the Bible Story site while some 6th graders were asking deeper questions about prayer and trusting God. It is encouraging that the students are thinking about what they are hearing and are bold enough to pose their questions to staff they've only recently met.

This evening we're having a "Battle of the Vans" contest to see which route can bring the most kids to VBS. There are 3 van routes, and the winning van will receive prizes on their trip home. "My" van just might win it, if one of my rider's strategies turns out to be a good one!

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