"If I could relive my life, I would devote my entire ministry
to reaching children for God!"
- D.L. Moody
"Every child you encounteris a divine appointment."
-Wess Stafford
"A person's a person,no matter how small."
-Dr. Seuss
"Let the children come to Me;do not hinder them,
for to such belongs the
kingdom of God."
-JESUS (Mark 10:14)
"It is easier to build strong childrenthan to repair broken men."
-Frederick Douglass
"Children are the living messageswe send to a time we will not see."
-John W. Whitehead
"Give a little love to a child,and you get a great deal back."-John Ruskin
"from childhood you have beenacquainted with the sacred writings,which are able to make you wisefor salvation through faithin Christ Jesus."2 Timothy 3:15
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