Friday, April 3, 2015

Two Things


A big thank you to the mighty team of 29 who generously and collectively gave $11,520 towards the Matching Grant (30/30) Campaign.  The goal:  100% met!  There were individuals who stood in the gap to close the gap on March 31 to help us cross the finish line, and we are so grateful for God's provision through them and many others.


I nearly did a double take when I spotted this on a billboard when I was driving recently.  What?!?

CCV is the largest church in Arizona.  And they are known for doing things in big ways.  For instance, they reserve Chase Field  (the baseball stadium) for their father/son camp out. 
However, I'm fairly sure that this, "Let's have Easter where the Super Bowl was played," is something new.  And obviously, something done in a big way.  The stadium holds 75,000.  They're prepared for 55,000-60,000 attendees.
Will local, smaller churches not be as robust in attendance at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday morning?  Perhaps.  But let's give CCV credit for making Easter a big deal.  It's not about an $85 gourmet brunch at a Scottsdale resort or the Easter bunny or Cadbury eggs (as tasty as they are), but the resurrection that anchors our faith.  J.B. Phillips' paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 15:14 says, "if Christ was not raised then neither our preaching nor your faith has any meaning at all."
No Resurrection = No Meaning.
The Resurrection = Meaning.  Life.  Purpose.  Hope.  Salvation.  Peace.  Reconciliation. 
Believers in Jesus have much to celebrate this weekend!

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