Friday, June 19, 2015

VBS Week #1, Day #4

The children's participation in our Opening Assembly singing has progressed from Monday's I-don't-know-these-songs shyness to Thursday's I'll-even-join-you-on-stage boldness.

Even the sound man is doing a praise jig in the sound booth!

A water sponge relay created lots of fun along with something else I'll note several photos down.

One of the younger attendees of the evening was not quite sure about this VBS thing yet.

Classes took group pictures.  These are the 4 and 5 year old's.

7-8 year old's:

This is where the kids enter VBS each evening.  A bolt of yellow gauze-like fabric was part of our recent yard sale donations.  We saved the bolt for Aim Right use, and Jewel made the cool yellow fuzzies for kids to walk through using this concept

Creative teaching at its finest -- the story of Esther told with chalk drawings.  She said, "Oh, don't take a picture of my drawings!"  but they were simple and perfect for getting the points of the story across and holding the children's attention all throughout the story.

Can you tell this is the nearly teenaged crowd?  The 10-12 year old's:

8-9 year old's:

Little ones were proud of their Zacchaeus craft. 

A very wet, semi-miserable 6-year-old class got a little carried away with the sponge relay.  They were all but dripping all over the floor, with clothes clinging and bodies shivering when they came inside.  "Can't we just go home now?"  they said.

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