Thursday, August 11, 2016

More VBS!

I recently realized there were several VBS photos we never posted, so consider this a "better late than never" post.
Each evening at VBS opened with a large group assembly and singing. By the end of the week, the song leaders had lots of helpers, as evidenced by all the children standing at the front.

Salt, glue, and watercolor paints make an interesting craft. We had four theme nights during VBS: Crazy Socks, Crazy Hair, Sports Team, and Superhero.  In some pictures, you will see children and adults sporting their favorite jersey or sports team logo.

Eileen shared about Jesus' death and resurrection on Thursday evening.

King Ro shows his jump roping skills.

Homemade cookies, crackers, and juice? Yes, please!

More salt artwork:

Friday evening was Crazy Hair night. Carter was pretty proud of his mohawk. I believe his explanation was, "My dad did it."

The craziest crazy hair? Probably!

Making a catapult:

Our Bible story room was intentionally in disarray for the evenings the children "met" King Josiah and Nehemiah.

King Josiah found his crown among the rubble:

 Praying with King Josiah:

At the Royal Theatre each evening, children watched a short video of a continuing story and learned a memory verse.

I posted Dr. Edwin Leap's reflections about VBS in 2009, and it is still worth reading, along with this article as well, by the same author. Below is an excerpt from the latter article. Note: Dr. Leap regularly writes a newspaper column so is used to people of many religions--or none at all--reading it.
I’ve seen the children of wrecked world-views.  I’ve seen the children with empty eyes.  I’ve seen the children of disease, abuse, drugs, and alcohol.  And I know that, without any doubt, the evil things of the world evangelize them with a passionate fervor.
Hopelessness, nihilism, cruelty, promiscuity, drugs, alcohol, violence, abuse, every negative thing in the world hides itself in flashy images on television, or in classrooms, in the lyrics of music, or in the ideals of a political party.  The children of the world are constantly, shamelessly evangelized to grow up too fast, to ignore their families as irrelevant, to seek the solace of name-brands, money, and fame.  They are preached the gospel of success along with the gospel of self-loathing.  You don’t have to agree with my faith to agree that we need to offer the children something more than all of that.

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