Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Teen Night 2.15.13....+ A few other Things

 Caleb talked about change to teens on Friday evening, challenging them to take a look at their lives and assess if they are headed down the path God wants them to go.

Sunnyslope Mennonite Church is hosting the Conservative Mennonite Church Pastors' Conference this week.  Aim Right has a booth there and also provided lunch for several ministers yesterday.  Since there was no school on Monday, several teens came along to help serve the meal.

Kurt Warner donated these items for our benefit auction.  I've been told that it is unusual for a quarterback to wear gloves, but it's something that Warner was known to wear during games.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Kids Klub 2.06.13

Children enjoyed a hot dog meal, games, story, and hat-making yesterday evening.  The crew from New Horizons did a super job of jumping in and coordinating the food, craft, and other sites for us.  With around 70 kids in attendance, there wasn't a dull moment!

I've observed that the kids who came to Rec Center on Wednesday and today and also came to Kids Klub yesterday evening have really seemed to develop a special bond with these volunteers.  It reminds me of the theme of the Kids Klub story that was read to the children -- when you're doing what God has gifted you to do, it's like a hat that fits perfectly.  

Interacting with children is a hat that these volunteers wear very well!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sunshine & New Horizons

A group of young adult volunteers from New Horizons in Colorado arrived safely this morning.

They have already been blessing us with their service -- baking some yummy cookies for Kids Klub this evening and opening the Rec Center this afternoon for kids to play.

Monday, February 4, 2013

One of those "miscellaneous" posts!

It's that time of the year when I'm focusing more on our auction blog than this one, but I wanted to post some recent photos.  Kids Klub classes made these cross necklaces and learned what each of the colors stood for:

Black - Our sin
Red - Jesus' blood
White - Jesus' cleansing
Green - Growing to be more like Jesus
Yellow - Heaven's streets of gold

On Hat Night, this little guy wore a creative choice!

 Some of the nice items we have received for the auction:

Beginning on Wednesday of this week, we are hosting a group of volunteers from New Horizons in Colorado.   They will be busy with children's ministry, manual labor, and much more.  On Saturday, they will fire up the griddles and bless community families with a yummy breakfast!