Monday, July 12, 2010

VBS: Day 5, Week 2

If there's a reason why the New Yorkers came to Aim Right for their summer missions trip, it's probably because of Troy Moser. A New York native, he came to Phoenix in the fall of 2006 to serve as an intern, and after an extended internship, he continues to be involved in various capacities. Troy was hospitality king when the youth group arrived in Phoenix, showing them around and helping them to get settled in, and he also came to VBS several evenings. Here he is one of those evenings, showing off his bike skills.

Friday's Bible story was about Paul and the shipwreck. As students entered the room and boarded the "boat", they were handcuffed and told they were prisoners, along with Paul.

Prisoners were guarded by a guy with a neon green water gun. Scary, I know.

Paul offered his fellow prisoners some crackers for a bit of nutrition since they had gone without food for a long time.

The water slide made another welcome appearance on Friday.

At the end of the evening, there were a lot of hugs and good-byes. It's amazing how tight of a bond can form in only 5 days!

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