Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Journey through Ephesians

Ephesians. Verse-by-verse. For about 4 months.

This is the the journey our teen girls' Bible study has been taking, and it has been quite a ride. In the first chapter appears that little word with a huge meaning that will blow you away--"grace"--snuggled in tight with bigger words like "predestined" and "redemption" and "the guarantee of our inheritance." Let's just say that we have had quite a few vocabulary lessons through the weeks!

We have learned that there is a God who loved us first -- gave us grace, forgiveness, and mercy--and rescued us from our old life to not live for ourselves, but to love Him back. We have learned that the church is not a building, but His body.

We are learning to walk in light, to live in love, to "put off" and to "put on." It is interesting how specific Paul is when he begins to list sins, especially if you realize he is writing the letter of Ephesians to believers...in a church...you know, those saintly folks. Folks who unfailingly deliver the truth with love, never get mad, always give generously, never get impatient, never have an impure thought...yeah, right. We need to look into the mirror of the Word and be convicted that while we say we're Christians, we don't always look like Christ.

Ephesians 6 is still to come, but we will be taking a 4-week break to join the guys' study in viewing the 4-part "Passion Talk Series" by Louie Giglio.

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