Monday, May 4, 2009

30 Hours of Famine

The rules were this:

1. Raise at least $30 for World Vision.
2. Start fasting at 8 a.m. on Friday.
3. Drink ONLY juice or water. That means YOU MAY NOT EAT FOOD!!
4. Be at the church at 4 p.m. on Friday.

Fourteen teens valiantly endured throughout the 30 hours and came away with a heightened awareness of those who go hungry on a regular basis, as well as a greater appreciation for the comforts they experience here.

On Friday evening, Wilbur Hochstetler shared some insights with the group. Wilbur has experienced living in primitive conditions in Asian countries, where 3 meals a day of sticky rice and fish quickly became less than appealing. He challenged the teens to guard against spiritual famine and not settle for "snack foods," but to intentionally feed themselves with the meat of the Word. One young man participating in the Famine later commented: "How pathetic we are when we rely on food [physical food] when we should be relying on spiritual food."
A few highlights from the weekend:
Juice Breaks!

Keith challenges the group

Small group devotions

Food collection game

[mad dashes around Phoenix to collect non-perishables for our food pantry]

Work project -- painting a block wall on the property

Work project -- tearing out a chain link fence

Team games -- "Endurance"

[identifying with those who have to carry their water]

And...breaking the fast at 2 p.m. on Saturday!!

Youth raised over $450 for World Vision -- enough to feed 15 children for one month.

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