Thursday, December 17, 2009

And the Party Goes On!

The ratio is 5:5.

That would be 5 days and 5 Christmas parties.

And the week's not over yet!

Yesterday evening, our Kids Klub Christmas celebration included a re-enactment of the first Christmas. We encountered a bit of difficulty with our acting contracts and had to use a few teen girls to play men's parts (therefore, please try to envision Mary and Joseph below, not Mary and Sherry). Some of Emily's little kindergarteners and first graders were sheep, and she made them the cutest masks to wear.

There were angels, shepherds, wise men, and the innkeeper and his wife, too. As evidenced by the broom in her hand, the innkeeper's wife in the play was a fastidious, tidy type.

In December, the children's memory verse has been: “The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth. And all mankind will see God's salvation," from Luke 3:5-6. God came--in baby form. Jesus came--in human form--to save and deliver and get us off the crooked, bumpy path that by nature is our default mode.

Hallejuah, what a Savior!

That news is cause for a smile...and a party, of course!

Meet the friendliest hot dog makers in Maricopa County.

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