Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Impact Group

Last week Jeff introduced the topic of wisdom at Impact Group, and teens looked into the Word to figure out God's definition of wisdom and why it is so important.

This week, Evan facilitated the study, continuing with the theme of wisdom. He opened with a question, "If God came to you in a dream and said you could ask Him for anything you wanted, what would you ask Him for?" The teen who answered first said he'd like 5 more wishes, and several teens after him mentioned money.

There was a shift towards more serious, thoughtful responses, though, when a girl said, "I'd like to see my mom again." Her mom had passed away unexpectedly when she was only 13 or 14 years old. Soon others began to say things like "I'd like to see my twin brother" or "I'd like to see this relationship restored."

It was encouraging to see youth begin to recognize that people matter more than things.

Small groups of teens delved into the Scripture to learn about Solomon's request for wisdom, and then Evan led a large group discussion about the Bible passages.

Pray that these teens will keep seeking His wisdom!

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