Thursday, April 26, 2012

I am used to seeing this often as I walk through the neighborhood:

But until a few days ago, I didn't realize that the innocent-looking ice cream trucks sold these:

Do you know what they are?  They're called puff cigarettes, and when kids "smoke" them, they produce a little puff of "smoke" at the end.  There was a trio "smoking" these as I was visiting kids yesterday.  Two were around 5 years old, and the other was around 10 or 11 years old.  Apparently these puff cigarettes -- or the ones in candy form -- have been sold from corner stores and ice cream trucks for years.  Since I didn't grow up in an urban area with a corner store or an ice cream truck, I thankfully missed out on the trend.
I don't know why I was so saddened to see this, because I know that marijuana is accessible at almost any elementary school in the area.  But how crafty is Satan, to lure them [us] in with just a pretend puff here and there, until one day a habit has formed that has led to bondage. 

God, help them [us!] to recognize the devil's schemes and stand strong in the armor of God to stand against him!

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