Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas Play

This week, we took over 20 Kids Klub children to see this Christmas play on two different evenings:

The evening I attended was "eventful" in the sense that our packed van had a flat tire on the freeway, during rush hour.  The kids got a little restless as we waited for our "rescue van," but guess what?  We still made it to the play a little before it began and were able to quickly find an open section of seats.  Bags of snacks and sodas were handed out, and the kids happily devoured those and enjoyed the show. 

Circumstances like these are never much fun (especially if you are the driver!), but I thank God for His protection and being able to pray with the kids while we were sitting by the side of the freeway with traffic zooming past.  I hope they won't soon forget how He was with us and orchestrated the details so that we could still arrive at the play on time!

If you're a follower of this blog, I am going to assume that you have a heart for children, so please pray for the families in Connecticut who lost loved ones in the school shooting today.  It must be tremendously difficult for them to process such news.

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