Thursday, March 21, 2013

Feed My Starving Children

This is Spring Break week for local schools, and Caleb planned some extra activities for the teens throughout the week.  One addition was a trip to Feed My Starving Children in Tempe on Tuesday evening.  Aim Right took a group of 15 volunteers who joined other local volunteers to package around 42 boxes of food to be distributed to needy individuals around the world (FMSC sends food to nearly 70 countries).

Part of our group's duties was measuring specific ingredients and then bagging them.  Into each bag went a combination of dried veggies, soy, vitamins, and rice.  FMSC had prepared a cooked version of the bagged mixture so participants would have an idea how the ingredients would taste when eaten by the recipients.  I understand that it got mixed reviews.  It's hard when you're competing with Jack in the Box and McDonald's!

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