Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Give Hope Continues!

Great news!  Check out the latest Progress Report for the Give Hope Campaign:

First of all, THANK YOU for your generous giving that has enabled us to fully meet two goals of the campaign.  The final goal to met--Electronic Gifts--is eligible for a $10,800 matching grant from the Mission Increase Foundation once it is met. 

If you aren't already supporting Aim Right on a monthly basis, would you sign up to give an electronic gift of $30 per month for one year?  Your gift will then be doubled by the grant.  Only 25 donors giving $30 per month are still needed to secure the full grant amount.  Would you help us to finish strong? 

Setting up a recurring gift is a simple process:
1.  Visit our Network for Good page.
2.  Indicate you'd like to give $30 and make your Donation Preference a recurring monthly gift.
3.  Click Add to Giving Cart and complete your personal and credit card information on the next screen.

In other news...did you hear about the big snow we received in Phoenix last weekend?

The snow arrived just in time for a Christmas party for at least one hundred underprivileged kids on Saturday (if you live in a cold climate and don't fully appreciate your snow, realize that you have to pay for it to appear here!).

The ultimate party surprise, though?  Each child attending received a brand-new bicycle.

The food and famous characters were a big hit, too.

Our group of 10 children included both Aim Right North'ers and Aim Right'ers.

Special thanks goes to Jimmy Walker's Bicycles for Kids for organizing this party for so many children in the Valley.  Each family also received Bibles, a food box, and a frozen turkey.

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