Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Aim Right North Community Night 1.29.16

Friday evening Community Night at Aim Right North was the place to be!
| Music |

| Games |

| A feast |
(hamburgers, beans, cherry pie, & ice cream)

| Luis' mobile barber shop |

| Crafts |
(making spinners)

Please pray for AJ and Jewel and the others who faithfully serve at Aim Right North.  In recent months, they have experienced an increase in the number of teens who come to their Monday evening Bible study / Teen Night event.
This morning, as I drove east on my commute to work, I experienced too-many-for-my-comfort seconds of blinding sunlight, as the sun rose higher in the sky. That has happened a few other times lately; I nearly can't see the color of the traffic lights, and there's not much I can do to minimize the glare.
I thought of Deborah's song in Judges 5, where Deborah says, "Thus let all Your enemies perish, O Lord! But let those who love Him be like the sun when it comes out in full strength.” As one who appreciates a good word picture, I remember reading that verse years ago and being struck by the image it creates.
As we well know in the Valley of the Sun, it is a rare day when the sun holds back its strength here. You get used to the 300+ days of sunshine each year, and rainy or overcast days really are a novelty. Spiritually speaking, though, there is a lot of darkness in the Valley, and more of His light is needed to shine into those dark places.
Let's be the light!

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