Monday, July 13, 2009

Teen Camp 2009

It's difficult to sit down and process 6 days' worth of activities. I could write about the plumbing mishap in the boys' cabin, the shockingly cold innertube upset in the river, the unintended discharge of Hot Cheetos in the van on the trip home, the pick-on-your-counselor game involving shaving cream and cheese puffs. I could tell you about the vibrant worship times, the scenic view that graced our outdoor meals, the tears that fell as broken teenagers knelt at the cross, the crazy trail-less hike down the mountain, the heartfelt sharing around the campfire.

Or--I suppose I could save us all a lot of time and just share what a camper wrote about the week:


Amen, brother. Amen.


Campers painted masks during craft time.

The meal spot -- picnic tables

The amazing Activities/Choir/Worship leading duo. Can you tell they worked hard?

My group of campers

Darrell led the chapel times and spoke on knowing your identity in Christ.

Worship in the chapel

Ropes course

Horseback rides -- these brave souls went on a 2-hour ride.

Group games.
Have you seen a hat like this before?
I didn't think so.

Have tubes, will float!


In their own words, this is what happened at Teen Camp 2009:

He renewed me and helped me take my blame away.

He impacts my life by the ultimate act of love, when He gave up His one and only Son for hopeless humans.

I did lots of bad things in the past. God is changing my life. He cleaned my past.

I'm a follower of Christ and fully loved, forgiven in God's eyes.

He gots me thinking so far.

I am God's son. My identity is found in Jesus Christ.

God is changing my life by showing me who I am, and I don't have to hide who I am.

He is changing my life to better by backing me up from the bad things I used to do.

God is changing my life because now I know I don't have to worry about my sins I did. I know He forgives me no matter what.

Some of my friends came to camp, and I got to see them close to God and accept Jesus as their Savior. That was [a] pretty happy moment for me.

Camp was really fun this week. I really feel like everything bad is gone. After camp I feel like a new person, a good person, clean.

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