Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Uncommon Living

A few times a year, my non-techie self has to design or edit a slide show for Aim Right for promotional purposes. Thus begins the quest to find an appropriate song to correspond with the photos.

I have noticed something. While I usually settle on a song I personally like, that affection is barely there after numerous editings and viewings. All listening pleasure has vanished. Since I recently completed a slide show, I am mourning the loss of another good song -- at least to my ears.

That song is "Uncommon," sung by Greg Long and Kristy Starling, and you can view the accompanying slide show here.

The lyrics to the chorus of the song read:

I want to finally take the road less traveled,
I want to run away from anything typical,
I want the world to see the life I'm living,
And call it uncommon.

The final words of the song are:

I'm done with the easy way out.

That sentence challenges me and reminds me of a magazine clipping I posted above my computer a few years ago:

What am I going to say? Father, get me out of this? No, this is why I came in the first place.

It was some time before I realized that those sentences are actually a paraphrase of John 12:27-28 (The Message), and it is Jesus speaking. The cross was His mission, and the Father's glory His purpose. He expects the same of His followers:

"Whoever loves His life loses it...if anyone serves Me, he must follow Me...if anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him." John 12:25-26 ESV

Uncommon living.

When you die to your goals, ambitions, wants, desires.

When you live for Someone besides yourself.

That is taking the road less traveled, and that makes all the difference.

What if I made it the end of my days here
Only to find that my legacy was nowhere to be found?
I don't want to waste another second.
Give me the strength to start right now!

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