Monday, March 8, 2010

Dare 2 Share 2010

This past weekend, our interns and a group of teens attended Dare 2 Share's Blaze conference in Phoenix. Joining our group were leaders and youth from Paradise Valley Mennonite Church. The conference is based on Isaiah 6:1-8 and is designed to help youth understand The Fire That Burns (God's Glory), The Fire That Destroys (God's Justice), The Fire That Purifies (God's Mercy), and The Fire That Rages (God's Love).

Special thanks to Andrea for taking the photos below!

An aspect of Dare 2 Share conferences that perhaps sets it apart from other similar types of conferences is that there is always a practical, hands-on component. On Saturday afternoon, groups at the conference were instructed to go to local schools and pick up trash surrounding the properties. As they tackled that task, they were to think about all of the garbage -- sin-- that clings to their friends and fellow classmates and pray for the cleansing and healing of those students. Teens also were challenged to take some time to make phone calls to friends who don't know Jesus.

Here is the Aim Right / P.V. group (and believe it or not -- this is the best photo out of several!).

A big thank you goes to Paradise Valley Mennonite Church for their sponsorship of our group! They made it possible for our group to attend.

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