Thursday, July 19, 2012

Back to Babylon

Despite two Wednesdays off, there was quite a crowd of kids at Babylon VBS yesterday evening.  A.J. is having another round of chemotherapy this week, so he and Jewel didn't visit the children on Tuesday afternoons like they usually do.  Jewel said, "I just prayed that the kids would come."  God answered that prayer because they came!
Kids had fun playing a game where one person was the oxen driver, while the other two were the pair of oxen.  Each driver had a red "flag" in his back pocket that the oxen from another "oxen team" would try to grab.

 Thumbs up for Twinkies!

Making necklaces during crafts

Below left is Aim Right's newest volunteer -- Rachel Zook.  Rachel recently moved to Phoenix from Sarasota, FL.  She has already been a blessing!

The kids love the praise songs and motions!

At the end of the evening, Pastor Alfred Yoder challenged the children with this question:  "Has God ever done anything for you?"  He shared the Gospel and encouraged them to let God do something for them if they thought that He hadn't touched their lives yet.  Several went forward to pray and accept Christ into their hearts.  Praise God!

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