Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Closing out July

This will be a bit of a catch-up post to highlight some of the end-of-July happenings around Aim Right.  Darrell began a Bible study about the life of Daniel with the teens yesterday evening.  He challenged youth to live differently in their culture just as Daniel did.

 Several of us ladies and young ladies attended the Girls of Grace conference in Phoenix on Saturday.  It was a great time of learning "beautiful truths" about our value and worth to God, how he wants us to use our words and clothes to honor Him, and how to have God-honoring relationships.  The music groups were a bit hit, too.  Most of the group: 

 When Stephanie and I attended a promotional meeting for the conference several weeks ago, they had given us goodie bags.  We saved them for the conference and were able to hand out music CD's, bracelets, and t-shirts to the girls who came.

Evan, Laura, and Tiffany have completed or are nearing the end of their internships, so teens and volunteers were invited to an appreciation / farewell gathering for them on Friday evening.

 Part of the fun was a Scavenger Hunt at a local mall.  Groups of teens ventured throughout the mall to find 5 disguised persons that they would normally know. 

Babylon VBS concluded on Wednesday evening.

 And...finally, a photo from teen Impact Group 2 weeks ago.  Caleb led the study about worry and challenged the teens to focus on what God wants them to do today.

One more thing:  Aim Right (i.e. Caleb and Evan!) is headed to the Conservative Mennonite Conference August 2-5 in Goshen, Indiana.  Aim Right is scheduled to give a presentation to the Sr. High youth on Saturday at 1:30 p.m.  If you have Aim Right connections or want to learn more about the intern program, summer missions opportunities, or just want to say "Hi," I'm sure Caleb would love to talk with you!

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