Wednesday, June 4, 2014

And this is June....

"This is our winter." 

I overheard someone trying to explain to an out-of-stater how we view the hot summers here.  In other words, this is our yucky weather time.  You need a pot holder to touch your steering wheel, and a "break in the heat" is a 104 degree day versus a 112 degree day.  But the bright side is that:

"It's a dry heat."

Welcome to June!
Since Sunday, we have been taking a group of children to "the church by the mountains" [Paradise Valley Mennonite] for their Mega Sports Camp VBS.  They have had a blast, and I've heard them singing in the van on the way home, "I will follow, I will follow You...."

We have also been preparing for our own VBS, Circle of Friends Ranch, and will begin on Thursday evening.  Traveling to assist us with VBS is a group from Word of Life Mennonite in Hutchinson, KS. 

While out visiting kids and inviting them to VBS, I dropped by an apartment where a very sick little girl lives.  I wasn't even sure if she would be home or in the hospital, but she was surprisingly sitting outside with a friend.  She has been undergoing chemotherapy, and her once long, thick hair is now a short bob, with large patches of hair missing.  While previously on strict contact precautions and basically confined to her house, she happily reported, "I can go places now, but I probably can't be around a lot of kids yet."

Pray for this 10-year-old girl as she goes through treatment for leukemia.
These quotes are from Caleb at the final Teen Night of the semester:

"Without completely trusting and accepting God and allowing Him to have complete rule over our life, we will never reach who God has created us to be."

"If we don't align our lives with who God is and what He wants to do for us, we are going to miss out on a lot."
A group from Grace Mennonite (Berlin, OH) is in town to lead the Mega Sports Camp VBS and spent several hours yesterday and today cleaning at both Aim Right locations and organizing yard sale items for us.  Thank you, Grace team!

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