Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday Thoughts

Aim Right's fleet is minus one as of today.  Our 1992 bus had reached the point of being quite pricey to keep in running order, and God provided a local buyer for it.  If buses could talk, though, I'm sure this one would have some stories to tell -- of long treks to Colorado for Teen Camp, of multiple taggings and beatings, of the many kids that once were tiny and now are gangly teenagers. 


No matter what side of the political fence you're on, this crisis is worth making a matter of prayer.  Estimates are that 90,000 undocumented children will illegally cross our borders by the end of this year.


I made a quick list of children and teens I know who are currently growing up fatherless or have grown up with a disengaged father.  My list totaled 29 names.  I'm sure there are more, but I don't know the family dynamics of all the children that come through our doors.  The extent of fatherlessness in the U.S. is such that over 24 million children live in a home without a father.

Happy Father's Day to the dads out there who are present in their kids' lives and making the everyday sacrifices required to love and nurture them.  Here's a light-hearted salute to you!

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