Thursday, January 15, 2015

First Teen Night and Kids Club of 2015

The past week has felt a little like the first week of school, when you're a returning student.   Some things are new, some things are the same, and some things are quite different.  At the downtown campus, we're still getting our bearings since we're at that "intern-less" stage.
God graciously gave us a good start to this new year of programs, though, and I think the kids have even been extra gracious, knowing that we're still settling into a new routine.
Caleb delivered the Word to a crowded room of teens on Friday night.
Learning about life in Christ.

He's not sucking his thumb, but rather enjoying some finger-lickin'-good nachos and hot dogs!

For additional photos of Teen Night, visit our Facebook page.  A special treat was a visit from former intern Andrea Stoltzfus, who now lives in Pennsylvania.
And now onto Kids Club...
Chalk art is a fun activity to do while you wait for Kids Club to begin.

Ro is back!  We are so thankful that Ro and Lourdes are now assisting with Kids Club.

Caleb, Stephanie, and Madison are the new song leaders.

I didn't mean to create a funky photo, but a few clicks in Picasa resulted in this, and it seemed fitting that it should stay that way.  This is how Kids Club "jumps into the light."

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