Friday, January 23, 2015

Spare Parts

I'll begin with a disclaimer.  This is not a "Christian" film, nor have I seen the film.

However, Focus on the Family's Plugged In has given it a favorable review.  The movie Spare Parts is based on a true story that happened right here in Phoenix, about 5-ish miles west of Aim Right at Carl Hayden High School.

It's about inner-city Latino kids who take on MIT and other schools of that caliber in an underwater robotics competition.  And they apparently do well enough that a movie was made about their efforts.

Despite the "largeness" of Phoenix, I've met a fair number of kids who are living in a small world.  Even a ride in your car is a treat for them; they can spend 4 minutes just talking about the numbers changing on the speedometer.

There's a 3-mile radius that they know quite well -- school, the corner store, and a few other places.  The Grand Canyon?  It might as well be in Japan or some far-off place, because they've never been there, nor do their families have any plans to visit there.

Someone donated a grocery gift card at Christmastime for a specific family, and when I went to deliver the card, the Mom was shocked and overjoyed, but also confused.  In Spanish, she asked, "But how do I use it?"  It was apparent that this gift card was likely the first she'd ever received.

Being a part of an esteemed robotics team must have been pretty special for those kids from Carl Hayden.  It certainly expanded their world and provided unique opportunities for them.

At Aim Right, we have often planned special outings or activities during kids' school breaks; groups of kids may visit a museum, hike a mountain, or tour a chocolate factory.  This is in the context of building relationships with youth and sharing Christ with them as we share life with them.  And, at the same time, their world expands a bit more!

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