Friday, February 6, 2009

I love packages, or more specifically, packages that come in the mail and are addressed to me. I think the affection for brown-paper wrapped boxes came as a result of attending a college over 700 miles away from home. The day was always a little brighter when I checked my mailbox and discovered a note informing me of a package I had waiting in the campus mail room.

The packages I receive nowadays are more likely to be in the form of something I've ordered and paid for online, but that is okay, because....

Aim Right is getting bombarded with packages, and I get to open 'em!

This is the "Month of the Package" around here as items arrive for our 14th annual benefit auction on Feb. 28th. For instance:

This next item didn't come as a package in the mail, but it was a fun one to pick up. Kurt Warner's foundation graciously donated an autographed football.

To see more photos of auction items and view specific auction details, you can click over to

All this buzz about packages reminds me of some verses from Ephesians 2. We recently began a study of that book with our Monday night teen girls group, and the theme of grace has been on my mind a lot as I've prepared to teach some of the passages. Salvation is by grace, through faith, and it is a gift. If I could earn it, deserve it, win it, create it, buy it, download it, or import it, then it wouldn't truly be a gift, and I might just think I'm entitled to it. Paul writes emphatically: "this [is] not from that no one can boast."

So who would miss out on a free gift like God offers? Perhaps the list could be broader, but I am inclined to believe it is people who either don't want it or people who don't know they need it. As Teen Night meets this evening, it is likely that both types will arrive.

Remaining central to Aim Right's mission is this: There is a free gift, and it can be yours, by grace through faith. Will you simply receive it?

- Amy Unrau, Office Administrator

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