Monday, February 9, 2009

I'm convinced that teen ministry is never dull. If you don't agree with that statement, please clear your calendar on a Friday evening and visit a Teen Night service.

The power of God was present as Keith and Troy shared about the value and purpose of life. The minutes were Spirit-led, and around 40 teens listened with almost complete attention.

There was light-hearted fun afterwards, with volleyball, basketball, snacks, and hang-out time in the Rec room. Some were hurting and needed prayer and a listening ear; that happened, too.

I am often amazed at the resilience of these youth. There is no comparison of apples to apples when I think about the things in my life I have labeled as "hard." I've never had a sibling in prison or an alcoholic mother or father. My bedroom does not consist of a mattress in the living room, and I've never had to worry about my family being deported. Those are real-life scenarios for many.

But back to Teen Night...somewhere in the middle of the light-hearted fun, a pool stick was thrust through the Rec Center bathroom door, shattering the thick glass that had covered a portion of the door. That, of course, put the bathroom out of commission, since it would be a rather public thing to use the restroom with the door in its newly altered state.

Not to be outdone by the Rec Center's happenings, the outside basketball game produced some drama as well. An arm and a nose collided, resulting in a white-turned-red t-shirt and necessitating the close proximity of an ice pack with the aforementioned nose. When bystanders examined the smelling organ and declared it (non-expertly) to be broken, the teen bravely responded, "I'll pop it back into place."

That, folks, was Teen Night 2.6.09!

- Amy Unrau, Office Administrator

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