Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fruitcake & Ice Cream and a Great Run-on Sentence

I am a fan of ice cream. Fruitcake? Not so much. The Louie Giglio DVD our teen Bible study groups watched yesterday evening is titled "Fruitcake and Ice Cream." You'll need to watch it to learn why it's titled as it is, but the theme is really about grace.

Louie defines grace as "God at work," since the opposite of grace is "me at work." He unpacks grace in the context of the great transaction that occurred at the Cross -- the sinless One bearing the sins of the world. He says of grace: "When you get it, it will get you." This grace begins to define who you are and what you do.

Louie then goes on to unpack this verse, in the framework of grace and the desire for others to experience that grace, too:

“If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you.” 2 Corinthians 5:13

Now--are you ready for a whopping run-on sentence? This is Louie talking:

"Basically, this stuff is so wild that it just makes us want to flip out all the time, but we don’t flip out all the time because we know if we went crazy all the time, it would drive the people who don’t get it yet crazy, and we don’t want to drive them crazy, we want them to get it, so to get them to get it, every now and then we gotta get in our right mind and talk about gardening or soccer or football or Nascar racing or stock trading so that we can be in our right mind with them so that they can figure out what we got, and it made us go crazy every now and then so that then they would get it, and then they could go crazy also, but we don’t want to freak ‘em out, so we gotta be in our right mind sometimes so that they can understand that there’s something that every now and then makes us get out of our right mind and go into our crazy mind, but we want them to go crazy like we’ve gone crazy, so we have to be in our right mind occasionally and not always be in our crazy mind, and he [Paul] was livin’ in that tension, and I love livin’ in that tension."

[Note: Have you ever seen a more beautiful period than the one that just appeared? Back to Louie...]

"If nobody lives in that tension, it’s just me, and it’s free and you can do what you want to with it, but I just say a big, fat, 'You haven’t gotten it yet if you don’t live in that tension.' "

Are you living in that tension?

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