Tuesday, June 30, 2009

VBS 2009 is over, finito, history. What remains are sweet memories -- especially of sweet little girls like this:
On the last evening of VBS, we gave away some of our stage decorations, including two new bicycles and a large stuffed dog and cardboard doghouse (not pictured due to pending legal patent issues). The white globs you see in the sky are not ghosts or chicken nuggets without the crispy coating. They are lovely, lumpy, floating clouds. There is even a football sailing through the air. We're all about promoting a healthy, active lifestyle.

Program time! Parents, friends, and family members were invited to attend a short program on Friday evening. Classes presented memory verses, skits, and songs. They did a great job!

The oldest class -- a little more stage-shy -- but nonetheless wonderful contributors to the program!
Yesterday, we rounded up these folks and hauled 'em to Picacho for a week at Youth Haven Ranch. They are really more excited than they appear. It's just that this photo shoot delayed the real fun from beginning -- hopping into the pool for the customary swim test following registration. Plus, it was only around 105 degrees outside. We also took along one teen LIT (leader-in-training), but he thought he was too cool to get his picture taken.

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