Monday, June 8, 2009

Youth Haven

This morning, Strickland and I took a van load of campers to the Youth Haven Ranch in Picacho, AZ, about an hour's drive from Phoenix. It has to be one of the most non-scenic drives in Arizona.
After 183 chants of "Are we there yet?" we arrived -- and yep, I made them pose for a photo right away.

This next little gal is in her element. Ever since she attended camp last summer, she has been asking to go again. Kids just love, love, love Youth Haven, and because they have such a phenomenal (and free) camping program, we love taking them there!

We also took two teenagers along who will be serving as LITs (leaders-in-training) this week. They have both been at the Ranch in the past, as campers, and jumped at the opportunity to go back and give back. I believe this smiley-faced dude even accepted Christ while attending Youth Haven Ranch:

Wearing the badge with pride:
On Friday, we will return to Picacho to fetch the Ranchers. From prior experience, I know that:
a. they will have more luggage than they came with (Youth Haven likes to give stuff away)
b. they will be so proud of their certificates (Each camper receives a certificate with a creative, uplifting description of the individual -- such as "Camper Who Smiles the Most")
c. they will crash on the trip home (Don't you know that having fun is hard work?)
d. they will have spent a week with people who love Jesus and love sharing Him with kids (That's what makes Youth Haven so special).

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