Friday, June 7, 2013

VBS: Camp Discovery (Day Four)

Yesterday evening, one of the Sunnyside youth leaders prayed something to the effect that God would enable them to "finish strong and give it their all."  In the midst of a busy and full week, I know I have experienced the blessing of seeing the kids' (and workers') enthusiastic participation, night after night.


 Finding treasure hunt clues took these 1st graders no time at all!

In the next progression of photos, you'll see how to rapidly use up rolls of brand-new toilet paper in very little time!

It was quite the fun activity to reinforce the lesson about Lazarus rising from the dead.

Last, but not least....during yesterday's Cup of Cold Water project, the group gave out over 600 bottles of water, and one man received Living Water, too.  As one of the youth shared a bottle of water with the man, the man confessed his desire to stop drinking, and the youth was able to share about Jesus with him and pray with the man to receive Christ.


Anonymous said...

The Lord be with you always children! He loves you all very much! God bless you!

Theresa Lyon said...

I would love for someone to contact me at, local Christian business that would like to help! God Bless!