Wednesday, June 5, 2013

VBS: Camp Discovery (Day Two)

Close to 50 children came for the second evening of VBS and learned about Jesus healing a blind man.  One of the 1st graders wanted her photo taken with her craft project -- front AND back sides!

"Thank You, God, for being with me and for this."

Matthew has done a great job with teaching the memory verse, using motions and a take-away game on the board to help the children learn it quickly.

During the Bible story, children were blindfolded to simulate what it might be like to be blind. 

When "Jesus" came and put mud on their faces, the children were healed of their blindness (i.e. take off the blindfold!).

During games, children had to navigate a maze with a blindfold on, taking their cues from directions that others would tell them. 

The drama team really amused the kids yesterday, largely due to the operating table and some questionable medical techniques involving a scary looking wrench, pliers, and screwdriver.

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