Wednesday, June 24, 2015

VBS Week #2, Day #2

It is great to have Ro emceeing this week.
More workout worship!

Darrell held the kids' attention with his telling of the parable of the lost son; he had two helpers:  the older son and the younger son.
He even brought the best least, the best our costume closet had to offer.  Darrell ended with the truth that, "God loves you, no matter what you do, and He always wants you to come back to Him."

Sometimes it takes effort to get your mouth around a cupcake.

We attempted to make play dough for craft time.  What seemed fairly effortless in test runs in my home kitchen didn't turn out so easy in reality.  You're seeing some rather sanitized photos and some nearly miraculous dough, considering that there was a lot of oil/water/flour tweaking of the recipe going on.

Children were promised a bag of Hot Cheetos and ice pops if they bring friends to VBS on Wednesday evening.  We'll see this evening if they take that challenge seriously!

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