Monday, June 29, 2015

VBS Week #2, Day #5

Having inner tubes as part of your stage decorations means one thing:  kids (and apparently adults, too) want to play with them!
Steering while singing Fixin' My Eyes on You:

Pilot Enric and his passengers finally made it to Hawaii.

For Bible story time, Ro, a great company of stuffed animals, and Ro-Ro and Madison told the story of the paralyzed man.  As you can see, the purple house was FULL of folks listening to Jesus!

But the paralyzed man's friends found a way to bring him to Jesus...

through the roof!

I didn't get photos of the paralyzed man jumping and leaping after being healed, but he was really doing a jig at the back of the auditorium (with a little help from Ro-Ro).  We wrapped up the week of VBS with ice pops, games, and decorating VBS photos.

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