Monday, December 14, 2015

City of Grace Christmas Party

City of Grace, a large church with multiple campuses in the Valley, graciously invited Aim Right to participate in their annual Christmas party for refugee families.  Our families are not technically refugees, and it was a special treat for them.  The event served around 1,200 people.
The first station included coloring pages and crown making.

There were quite a few costumed characters walking around, and these lovely ladies had many fans!

The next station included face painting and games.


The third station was a meal.
Chinese food!

Finally, children and their families gathered in the large auditorium for a Christmas program; at the end, the "elves" came forth with a gift for each child.
Each family was also blessed with a large container of Tide (Can I just say that I thought this was such a wonderful gift?) and bag of toiletries.

Special thanks to Caleb and Stephanie for organizing this memorable day for so many families!  The party was a beautiful representation of the body of Christ serving together.

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