Friday, December 4, 2015

Las Posadas & a Link

It's December, and that means the calendar is filled with special events. Yesterday evening, we took one-half of our downtown Kids Club group to the Celebration of Christmas play. It is quite a cultural experience for the children and quite a sanctifying experience for our staff and volunteers!
The children behaved well, sat quietly and respectfully during the performance, and praise the Lord, "no child was left behind." The performance included something I have never seen in the 10-11 years I have gone to see the play. In one scene, the Mexican tradition of Las Posadas was explained, with much of the acting and singing done in Spanish. Quite a number of our children are bilingual and from Latino families; even if they were not familiar with that tradition and don't observe it, I am glad they were able to see it carried out through the play.
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In light of the tragedy in California this week, Denny Burk offers some encouragement:
"God is fixing this. The new world order has already begun through the coming of Christ, and we are awaiting its consummation when He returns. In the meantime, we live between two worlds—between what the world is and what it can and will be. And we weep and grieve and labor and strive in patient hope." - Denny Burk

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