Wednesday, June 29, 2016

VBS - Monday evening

VBS kicked off on Monday evening with around 30 children. We heard a variety of reasons why children weren't coming as we went around for pick up ("I forgot," to "It's too hot!"). By last night (Tuesday), we were closer to our usual Kids Club number of 60 children, though.
It is a blessing to have a leader as energetic as Ro. He does a great job of welcoming the kids to the "Kingdom."

Everyone gathers in the auditorium for songs before dismissing to stations.
(Perhaps our music is too loud?)

When it's 112 degrees outside, the last thing you want to do is put on a flannel robe to the tell the Bible story. That's what you do when you're pretending to be King David, though!

Children learned about Psalm 23 and took a brief rest in the "green pastures."

Caleb taught the Bible memory verse and manned the Royal Theatre.

Aleisha (in the blue mask) led the Crafts station. I suppose you can guess what they made. Knights everywhere!

Now...these are leaders that deserve some gold stars! Christian and Jeremy are courageously braving the heat each evening, leading our Games station.

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