Monday, June 13, 2016

Youth Haven - Week #1

When we pick up campers from Youth Haven, I always love seeing their certificates. The one below is for learning Bible verses; sometimes the staff chooses a character trait of the camper and prints that on a certificate. Our campers also came out bearing gifts they won as prizes for good behavior: basketballs and other items. All of them also had colorful Easter baskets; from what I could tell, those were for carrying miscellaneous items, since they didn't appear to contain treats. The Easter baskets came in handy on the trip home, as one camper began to complain of motion sickness. A fellow camper graciously emptied his Easter basket, and it was ready to be used if needed.  Thankfully, we ended the trip with a clean basket and no messes!
Considering that this is a generation that thinks the selfie is one of the coolest things ever sure was difficult to get them to take a picture.  Case in point #1:

Case in point #2:

Case in point #3:

Finally!  That's more like it!

Today, a new group of campers from Aim Right arrived at Youth Haven and will be there for the week.

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