Tuesday, September 20, 2016

City Night: September 16

What was called Teen Night for many years is now City Night; it is Aim Right downtown's Friday evening program for teenagers.

Ro and Lourdes Roman lead Aim Right's outreach to teens. Friday's City Night started with some get-to-know-you activities. Ro had four circles of chairs placed around the room; he projected four preferences on the screen (for example, one was: having $500,000 cash; owning a luxurious home; traveling the world for 1 year; owning a sports car). Youth moved to a circle around the room based on the item they would want the most. Most of the teens ended up in the $500,000 circle for that round. While in the circle, teens would share for a few minutes about why they liked their choice.

After the circle activities, Ro shared with teens some of his life story, including when he decided to follow Christ and how he began volunteering at Aim Right.  He reminded teens that City Night is for them, to receive encouragement, hope, and teaching from God's Word for their lives. Then, it was snacks and hang-out time to close out City Night.

Branden has seriously honed his Hot Pocket nuking skills since arriving in Phoenix. Between our teen events and Rec Center, the snack shack is a busy little corner.

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