Friday, September 16, 2016

Rec Center: Week #1

The past two afternoons, Aim Right downtown has come alive with the sounds of children as they enjoy our Rec Center. We couldn't ask for a better location, as we are right across the street from an elementary school.

Our pool table is a big hit, although it's doubtful any "by-the-rules" games of pool are being played on it.

Beads and bracelet making!


While our snack stand (tucked behind the shiny corrugated metal wall you see) wouldn't win any health awards, our prices are cheap, and the fare is kid and teen friendly. You can get a soda and a Hot Pocket for $1.00.

A little story:  I was working in the office upstairs a little while ago when I heard a knock on the door downstairs.  That is not so unusual, as we keep all of the exterior doors locked.  When I went to investigate, a group of children was seated on the porch, eating their snack stand purchases. I knew most of them, and as we were talking, one of the girls asked if I was sick. She had noticed my voice, which currently sounds as if I'm a 4-pack-a-day smoker (thanks to a sore throat and a lot of talking already today).
She said, "I'm going to pray for you to feel better."  I was expressing my thanks when one of the boys said, "Let's pray right now.  God is here."  So they both prayed for my voice, then and there.  Isn't that a lesson for all of us?  When you say you're going to pray for someone--do it right away--and share the blessing of your spoken words lifted up to Him.

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